Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year

As we wind down this 2008, I just wanted to thank you all for your prayers and love. I pray that God may bless you all and that He continue guiding and providing for you all. 2009 is going to be a good year!!! Susan and I are very excited about what is waiting for us this up in coming and can't wait to share with you everything we experience.

So Merry Christmas to all of you!!! And don't forget while you're opening your gifts and downing ham and turkey, avoiding mistletoe, and singing "White Christmas" for the umpteenth time; Christmas is not just about all that stuff. It's about a little baby that was born in a manger in a little town called bethlehem. He is the one Isaiah spoke about in chater 9:6-7 when it says "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 7 Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this."

God Bless you all and a Happy Prosperous New Year

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Post from Pastor Larry Stockstill's blog

The following is a post from Pastor larry Stockstill's blog. I felt it necessay to share this with you guys as this is an indication of the state of the nation.

Solomon, the wisest king in history, had a problem: “one baby and two mothers.” He called for a sword and the real mother begged to keep the baby alive. The other woman argued to cut the baby in half and give each mother a piece. The Presidential election of 2008 has been just such a dilemma for the body of Christ. Honest, well-meaning Christians have differed on political direction for America. Where are we and where do we go from here?
Some great things that are cause for celebration have occurred in the last few days since last Tuesday’s results of Barack Obama’s election were final:
1. Senator Obama, in looking this week for a Presidential “dog” for his children, jokingly referred to himself when he said, “I hope they don’t get a mutt like me!” This relaxed, casual reference to his African father and white mother shows his comfort with his identity and race. After all, what is race in the sight of God but something wonderful and beautiful? God delights in our colors and kinds, our flavors and strengths. As a missionary in Nigeria at 23 and in my 25 years of pastoring a multi-racial church, I have spent most of my adult life fighting not only “racism” but “racial strife.” Perhaps the long, cold winter of stereotypes is coming to an end.
2. It took millions of white voters to elect Senator Obama. This has amazed and thrilled to tears the small minority of black Americans and given them hope that “we can work together.” As I watched President Bush host Mr. and Mrs. Obama in the White House yesterday, I rejoiced in how the transition is early and hope is high. There was a “man of color” in the Oval Office! Perhaps the sense of hardened racial suspicion is starting to give way.
3. The cultures of the world rejoiced again in America. Celebrations from Indonesia to Kenya hailed a new spirit and face for the land of the free and home of the brave. Our enemies were in consternation and our friends were celebrating! Perhaps a new era of favor for Americans worldwide is replacing the anger and resentment I often feel when traveling the world and world missions will benefit.
1. “PRAY”
: This new President has already been “called out” by Russia and other enemies. He will certainly be immediately tested for his resolve to face down those who only understand force and who have stated their desire is to conquer and rule the world.b. ECONOMY: He certainly has his plate full here! America and the entire world seem on the edge of recession or outright collapse. Millions are hurting and need immediate help. However, by many Senator Obama is being looked to as an economic “Messiah” who will immediately lower their monthly payments, raise their income, cover all their insurance needs and improve gas prices all in the first 100 days! His ambitious economic agenda will take years, not months. In addition, NO PRESIDENT CAN REMOVE A CORRECTIVE JUDGMENT FROM GOD, and if America is facing discipline (as I believe is beginning) we must pray for mercy and repentance or certainly no plan by man will work.c.
MORALITY: In areas of morality, the church is called to be “prophetic” (as John the Baptist was with Herod) and not “political.” This is true regardless of who it is, or we could be following a man into the position of becoming God’s enemy. It is my humble opinion that Senator Obama is on the wrong side of the abortion, stem cell, and gay rights agenda. He stated in the debates that his Supreme Court appointments will uphold Roe v. Wade. His transition staff is preparing, on his first day in office, to remove all restrictions to abortion now in place as executive orders. His stated position is that he opposes gay marriage, and yet he opposed “Proposition 8,” the marriage amendment that amazingly passed in California 52% to 48% limiting marriage to “a man and a woman.” This legitimate election stated the will of the people, yet this past weekend over 20,000 angry homosexuals protested in the streets (1000 of them picketed Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church because he supported proposition 8). This is moral chaos, and we must pray that our new leader’s eyes be opened to the moral dangers of these positions. God can change his heart and show him that if the judgment of God comes upon our economy it will “trump” the best minds in Washington and their bailouts.
2. “STAY”
a. Christians need to stay together. Lifetime relationships in the body of Christ cannot be challenged by an election. We are one body, indivisible by race, color, or economic circumstances.b. In times of shaking, stability is what is needed. I have lived long enough to see spiritual and political leaders, revivals, Y2K, electronic marvels, foreign enemies, music, plaid pants and platform shoes all come and go. It is usually the weak and immature who yell the loudest while the mature and seasoned respond and don’t react. Relax, it’s going to be fine.
a. NEVER lose sight of the Great Commission. Jesus did not command us to establish a party or a person. He told us to “go and make disciples.” No political party or election will solve America’s problems: only a revival. I believe 2009 is the “Year of the Harvest” as confirmed by a fellow pastor in Chicago who has seen over 2,500 souls come to Christ in the last three weekends.b. We are called to our specific task and function in the Body of Christ and that is all you will be judged for in eternity. Be busy about that work while fervently praying for our desperate political and economic situation in America. That’s something you CAN do to change the situation.
The “one baby” is the “one Body” of Christ. Those who are not mature about that “baby” will rush in to divide it and give a “piece” to each party. The result will be to kill the beautiful body of Christ in the process. The “real mother” (faithful American Christians) will beg for mercy, unity, and wisdom from the King for the baby to live. Get on your knees, believer, and cry out for the Body of Christ to live through this. We WILL “pray together, stay together, and obey together.”
“Put your sword away.”
Larry Stockstill

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Hey Guys, God is soo good!! It says in His Word that "And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." (Phil 4:19) He has come through again!!!

I met a local pastor a few months ago (divine appointment ) and he offered to give me chairs and a pulpit. Well tonight he came through with that promise and I picked up 20 chairs and a pulpit!! Pretty cool huh?? We are getting closer and closer to out first meeting and God continues to put the pieces together so that His name can continue to be glorified in this city. Please continue praying that God will continue to supply ALL of our needs according to HIS riches in glory!!
Blessings to everyone!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008


Hey guys, I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and didn't gain too much weight. Susan and I had a good Thanksgiving, spending time with good friends and eating good food.

On Thursday, December 4th we traveled to Dallas for a meeting with pastors for the reason to gain direction and learn what it meant to launch a church. I met 2 awesome pastors with their wives and we all met at Pastor Adam McCain's house(all in the picture below). We talked about everything from how to choose a team, legal matters, budgets, discipleship, buildings and a whole bunch more. The insight I received from these two days of meetings was invaluable.

Susan and I are way more ahead of where we were just a few weeks ago, and knowing that you are not alone in this awesome project provides safety and security.

A few other things we picked up on this trip were: 1) Take everything one step at a time

2) You are gonna make mistakes, and when you do, learn what you have to learn and move on.

3) As you are growing, do not fall into the trap of comparing yourself to other ministries.

4) Pray, Fast and Devour the Word of God.

And I loved what Jamie Goldberg shared with us over the phone (Jamie is also a part of this group but could not make it.) He said (quoting Lester Sommeral) Love God, Love your wife, and don't mess up!!!

The two days of meeting, eating, shopping (ask Susan) and praying were capped off with Susan and I getting hands laid on us by these pastors as we were licensed and sent out to do the work of the ministry in Katy.

A humongous thank you to Adam and the others for all of their insights and tips, and openness.

The time in Dallas finished with us meeting together with our best friends in the whole world. We ate, laughed (alot) and talked way past our bedtimes. We love this bunch tremendously and thank God everyday for their lives. God bless you guys!!!
We will begin meeting January of 2009. The actual date is still to come, but tell your friends, family and co-workers that Next Level Ministries is coming soon.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


"Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (Ephesians 6)

One of the things that we will be needing this year will be a good solid prayer team. Planting a church is a big deal and Satan does not want the church to succeed. Surrounding myself and my family with prayer partners is the single best thing I can do to ensure success.

We will be going through allot of spiritual warfare over the six to twelve months leading up to opening day so in light of that I am looking for a prayer commitment out of at least 10 people who will commit to pray for the next year during launch phase.

Some things to be praying about are:

Me - I need God's wisdom, patience and strength
My Family (Susan, Christopher, and Suzy)- Specifically balance and health in my marriage and family.
Protection - Satan will attack me, my family, and anyone who wants to join me
Vision - That God would guide my planning and give me a clear vision for the new church
Launch Team - That God would provide the right people to form the core of the new church
Finances - Only God can provide, And my God shall supply all (our) needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)

Wisdom - To do what I must do, when I must do it.

I know that the people receiving this blog are people that love us and we love you. One thing you can do to help us is to recruit others in this effort. The more people we have praying the better.

I will be blogging you updates on all that's happening over the next few months.

Until ALL have heard

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A new president

As America goes out and votes today and this great Nation appoints it's next president let us not forget our role and duty as citizens and Christians. We are to vote!! We are to vote not on popularity or age, but we are to vote sensibly and practically. Ask a few questions to yourself; who has more experience?? Who upholds biblical values like anti-abortion and sacred marriage? Who has a better track record? Who will do better for our countries morality?(Remember, a man's decisions from his past are a good indicator of his decisions in the future.)

You must understand that all pre-election campaigning is, is smoke and mirrors. All candidates will tell us what we want to hear; after all they are looking for our vote. Very seldom do the promises of a campaign runner come to fruition; they all end up being wishful thinking, or just good ideas at the time. I am not sayin, that ALL they say are lies, I am pushing the point though that they ARE looking for your vote.

I do thank God though that our hands as believers are not tied behind our back. When an authority rises up we are called to pray!! "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, (I Timothy 2:1-3)

We are to pray, regardless of who gets voted in. Once what's done get's done we can do nothing else but call to God for mercy and ask Him to give our new president wisdom to make right decisions. Pray that the fear of God mark His life, and that he surround himself with godly advisors. We are to pray and believe that God will answer our prayers.

2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, THEN will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

God bless America

Monday, November 3, 2008

Who am I, Where am I, What am I???

Remember those days?? Everything is going nuts around you and you can't make sense of anything anymore; you don't know who you are; you don't know why you are where you are; and you have no idea what you are supposed to be. I've been their many times!! But not anymore. I found the "secret."

I thank God that I finally figured it out!! I have found where the answer to these questions and many more can be found. It has been in the most obvious of places, but it's probably the last place you look. Give up?? You find the answer in God!! In His presence, in His shadow, in His hands. The "I AM" has always been their waiting to show you why HE IS everything you need.

I am not talking about a quick run to church and you qualified. To many times, we of the "microwave generation" want God to establish us in an instant when we won't even spend ANY time brooding in His presence. Have you ever heard of the phrase "marinating?" We need to marinate in His presence for a long time until His presence has saturated us, enveloped us, and overtaken us.

I no longer ask the questions: Who am I, Where am I, or What am I? He has identified me, He has located me, and He has established me. First and foremost, I am His child, I am his messenger, and everywhere I go I am in His Kingdom.

Get Lost in His presence, seek Him out with desperation, run after Him even when you don't feel anything, rush in to His throne room, close the door and cry out for a fresh visitation!!!!!

He has been waiting for you!!!

Please continue praying that God move upon the hearts of those who are going to partner with us and that He continue providing and leading us in the right direction. I know that what He shall do here will be great!!!!!! We love you guys!!! Share this with those who need a good word.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Birth of a vision

Genesis 37:5 " Joseph had a dream..."
It was once said that the poorest person in the world is not the one without a cent, but the one without a dream. A God given dream is a snapshot of what is to come. A God given dream provides for us the fuel to go through hardship and turbulent times.
When someone receives a vision or dream from God, he can't hardly imagine what he is going to go through to reach the fulfillment of that vision. It's as if God is saying with your vision, " This is what I am about to prepare you to receive." And then you go to the potter's house to get forged, bent, broken, and finally prepared to receive what has been promised.

For those that know Susan and I, you know of the trials we have gone through. Just like Joseph, we went through tough times, we went through EVERY emotion in the book, we experienced times when we wanted to leave it all, and times of great confusion as to why God would allow us to go through certain things. In retrospect we understand why certain things needed to happen, and the ones we don't understand, we praise God anyway because of Jeremiah 29:11 which says "For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

The Back side of a tapestry

Pastor Joel Stockstill from Bethany WPC in LA told me once that the Believer's walk can be likened to a tapestry. If you have never seen one, go check one out. On the back side of the tapestry you find a mess!! A conglomeration of twisted string and crooked lines making no sense at all. You almost wonder why someone would even bother in making something like that. But once you flip it over and see the front of it, it all makes sense. You see a masterpiece, and then you understand that those crooked lines and twisted areas and "make no sense" patterns were ALL necessary. Once you understand and accept the scripture verse " And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. "(Rom. 8:28) you will begin to have peace in turbulent times knowing that you will make it, and you will not be defeated or embarrassed!!

Susan and I have gone through tough times and we graduated!!! We have our scars, and we have a limp but we know that it will all be worth it. After all we are the apple of His eye!!

If God has given you a vision, hold on to it tight!! Don't let go and don't quit. It's all being worked out. Just be led by the Spirit of God and you will see your dream come to pass!!

Please continue praying for us!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Back from the grave

Ezekiel 37
“The Lord took hold of me, and I was carried away by the Spirit of the Lord to a valley filled with bones. He led me all around among the bones that covered the valley floor. They were scattered everywhere across the ground and were completely dried out.”

This vision from God represented to Ezekiel the condition of the nation of Israel. Desolation, Death, Division, and Dried out. In a nut shell Israel was in bad shape.

As you read this passage today the vision takes upon a similar but different interpretation:

If you were able to see everything going on in just this city you would get a similar vision. But in this vision God would begin to show you and the people of your city beat up, raped, high, killed, mugged, abandoned, depressed, alone, forgotten and angry.

If God were to open your eyes and you were able to see these things you would become overwhelmed.
But God didn’t stop at just showing Ezekiel the condition of the city he then asked the question: Then he asked me, “Son of man, can these bones become living people again?”

What God was asking Ezekiel and he is asking of us today is “is their any hope?” After Ezekiel saw everything he saw he answered the only way someone could answer: “Only you know God. “

God asked the question to reveal the obvious!!! The only way that this city, state, nation, world can ever see a significant change is through God.

And God’s next action displayed how things are going to change. HE USED A MAN!!
And he is still using men and women today to PROPHESY HIS WORD TO THE DRY BONES!!!

You must get ready in:

1) Your identity: stop copying what you don’t want to become.
2) Your speech: God’s word must be on your lips
3) Your heart: detach yourself from THINGS and attach yourself to God.
4) Your standard: become an instrument of righteousness.
5) Your resolve: let this conviction be in your heart. IF NO ONE ELSE WILL GET UP THEN GOD MUST BE READY TO CHANGE A NATION THROUGH ONE MAN!!!
6) Your passion: this means pursuing God even if you don’t feel like it. You pursue him not because of feelings but because.

Your friends around you are crying out “Our bones are dried up, our hope is gone, there's nothing left of us.'

And God through you is going to say: “God, the Master, says: I'll dig up your graves and bring you out alive—O my people! Then I'll take you straight to the land of Israel. When I dig up graves and bring you out as my people, you'll realize that I am God. I'll breathe my life into you and you'll live. Then I'll lead you straight back to your land and you'll realize that I am God. I've said it and I'll do it. God's Decree.'"

There is a hope and it comes in the shape of people proclaiming Gods message.

Will you rise and prophesy? God is waiting for you and so is a city….

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Will the rain ever come??

One of the biggest challenges that people who are promised something have to face is waiting for the fulfillment of the promise. In the book of Genesis Noah had to wait a long time for the flood to finally come. He had rallied his family, endured mocking and ridicule, worked very hard, and he was doing something he had never done before to wait for something he had never seen before.

Have you ever been promised anything? And then had to wait. I believe that Noah's patience in waiting was a direct result of the person who gave him the promise...GOD. A promise is only as valid and powerful as the one giving it. Noah knew that this rain was coming.

Next Level Ministries or " NLM" has been in God's furnace cooking for 34 1/2 years now, and in 2009 IT'S COMING OUT OF THE OVEN!!!! God had spoken in my heart for years that it was coming!!! And I waited patiently.
What will NLM look like?? I don't know! I DO know though, that it will be a church without walls, a church that seeks and saves the lost, a church that disciples and sends out leaders all over the world, and a church that restores lives and visions. This church will be a cross preaching church, a praying church, a worshipping church, a fasting church, an outreach church and an In love with God church. I think I see a rain cloud coming!!!

We will be creating a launch team January of 2009 to tentatively have our first service May of that same year.

Please pray for us and support us as we begin the 501c-3 process, and begin praying that God sends us the right people to begin his work the right way.

Until ALL have heard,

Oliver Lee