Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Learning life through the book of JOSHUA

Hey guys, it's been a few weeks since I last blogged. Yes, yes, I've missed you too!! We have had an awesome month at NLM (Next Level Ministries) God has been taking us throughout the book of Joshua. We have gone through chapter's 1-3 and we have learned so many things:

1) (Joshua 1) Change is inevitable!! So when it comes we must change with change. We learned the formula of how to effectively transition when change happens.
* Trust in God's Word, God's strength, and God's promises!!!
2) (Joshua 2) Seeing life through the eyes of Rahab the prostitute. We learned that no matter what we may have gone through in life, no matter our mistakes or failures, God is always looking out for us. We learned that just like Rahab, as long as we are under the blood we will be kept safe despite the world falling down around us!!
3) (Joshua 3) we learned:
To Expect the promise!!
Before God could go on and give to Joshua and the Israelites possession of the promise, they first had to fight the greatest enemy: themselves. The Israelites found out that the only thing you really fight in the wilderness ( the desert experience ) is your own personal demons. Once those demons were completely and utterly destroyed God brought them to the next phase of the promise: possession of the land!!
Crossing over is literally speaking of the death of one season of the life of something and the birth of the next.
If you say that you believe that God will do something but yet you do not prepare for what you say you believe in, then you really don’t believe it. Joshua said, “Prepare yourself (consecrate yourself) because tomorrow God will do great things among you!”
God will do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we ask!!!!He is the God that calls the things that are not as though they are. He is the God of making the “impossible” possible!!! We can never earn favor or grace; we only get in the right position to receive them.

In consecrating themselves the Israelites got in the blessed position. When you consecrate yourself, you prepare yourself for something specific. What are you consecrating yourself for??
The Israelites possession of the promise could not be done in their own strength. That is why they had to follow the ARK ( the presence of God ) Don’t get ahead of God; always let Him show you the way. (Proverbs 3)
If what you are doing can be done in your own strength then God is not in the mix. Moses even cried out, “ If you don’t go before us, we will not move!!!”
Remember that God sized victories require God sized power. Seize your Promise!!

God is not done yet!!! Get excited for what God will show you this week and invite your friends.!!
Also Andreas has been helping us out to create a web sight for the ministry. Check it out at www.nextlevelministries.info

I'll see you guys at 7 for prayer and 7:30 for the service!!!

Until ALL have heard,

Pastor Lee

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Hey guys,

I pray that everyone is doing well. We had a great night this past Thursday night at NLM. We spoke about the topic of HOPE. It seems as though the whole nation is setting their eyes on our new president, expecting him to save them; and after the rousing speech he gave on Tuesday night everyone is short of idolizing him. The only problem with that is President Obama is not God and I'm pretty sure he does not want that position. And because of that one fact it is destined that he will fail us in way or another. We at NLM truly believe along with a great part of the body of Christ that it will not be until America sets its eyes on Jesus and repents of its many wrongs that things will turn around.

The original Greek and Hebrew give the idea that whatever you place your hope in, that thing becomes the anchor of your life, it becomes your refuge and stronghold. If something should ever happen to that thing, your life will come tumbling down!! We need to be very careful in choosing who or what we put our hope in!!

What does the Bible say about hope?

1) We are blessed if our hope is in Him (Psalm 146:5)
2) The Lord delights in us if we hope in Him (Psalm 147:11)
3) Our strength will be renewed when our hope is in Him (Isaiah 40:31)
4) The Lord is good to those who hope in Him (Lamentations 3:25)
5) The Lord Hears those who’s hope is in Him (Micah 7:7)
6) The Holy Spirit will overflow us with hope in God. (Romans 15:13

God gives us hints all over the Bible to place out hope in him. He will not fail us or forget about us. Will times get tough? Of course they will; after all, the Bible has never promised an easy life, only a life that is full of possibilities. If God is your hope, it does not matter what you could be going through, your breakthrough is just around the corner!!!! I'll see you guys next week.

Until ALL have heard,
Pastor Lee