Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Hey guys....I have negelected this blog sight for a while......we will be using our facebook page to communicate until we get a websight. you can get straight to the page by clicking on the following link be blessed!!!!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

212 degrees

Psalm 27:13 " I would have lost heart unless I had believed....wait on the Lord; Be of good courage and He will strengthen your heart." (NKJV)

At 211 degrees water is just hot. At 212 degrees it boils and as it boils it produces steam which can power a locomotive (train)!!!!

1 degree separates unrealized potential from exponential advance!!

Two differences in the Bible: One is to stand and another to wait on Him.

To stand before God is to nothing but be in His presence, bask in His Glory, be refreshed by His Spirit.

To wait on Him is different. Wait (Hebrew) qavah: wait for, expect, or hope. This appears 50 times in the Bible. It is an active expectation!!! It is knowing that God will meet your need as you walk in His truth.

To wait on God is to move that 1 degree where most people would have given up!!!

"Many of life's failures are men who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up!!!" (Thomas Edison) And the Great Military Commander Patton said in a speech, " Don't give up, don't ever, ever,ever, ever give up!!"

Saul in I Samuel 13:7-15 could not wait on God and the Kingdom was stripped from Him
Abraham in Genesis 16 could not wait on God and he birthed an Ishmael ( we'll talk about that later)
And the disciples could not wait on God for one hour and they all fled or denied Him

3 men who could go that extra degree were:

David: He was anointed King 3 times until he finally stayed on the Throne but all the while he continually pursued God's heart
Joshua: Though he lost the battle at Ai he pushed through failure got rid of what was holding him down and lived a life of back to back to back victories in the promised land.
The Disciples: though they ran away from Jesus in the Garden they were all instrumental in establishing the church and all but one gave their lives for the cause.

The difference many times between 211 degrees and 212 is the difference between complacent belief or passionate conviction. Passion, determination, persistance or stubborness are all character traits that a believer must posess in the face of obstacles and adversity. We must be able to say with full conviction "I know in whom I have believed"!!!!! We must PUSH!!!!!!!

God will meet you at the point where the enemy is trying to resist you!!! Just wait on God be in expectation of Him to find you and strengthen you to take that extra step of faith; to move that extra degree into exponential advance for Him and in Him!!!

Persevere 212 degrees!!!!!!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

the Faith of the shunammite woman

Thursday night at Next Level was a special night. We continued on our message of Perseverance and studied the life of a Shunammite woman. Be blessed!!

The Faith of the Shunammite woman
II Kings 4: 8-37

If there were a fire in your house and you could only take out one item, which would it be? The same question could be asked; “ When a pressure situation arises, which of your beliefs will you hold on to and which ones you will abandon?

The story of the shunammite woman is a story of a woman who had to make choices. And the choices she made are the same choices we have to make when life hits us.

God gave this woman a son – this can represent in our life, a dream, a vision, a plan, a future.

Because we serve the God of more than enough He will always bless us above what we expect or could ask.

Many times the dreams that the Lord gives us seam out of our reach but because it was the Lord that gave it to us we will be unwavering in our faith and determined in our spirit to grasp that dream.

It was not immediate when the boy got sick. Some time had passed. Everything was doing fine, everything was going according to plan. And then the dream of God begins to die.

It isn’t until you are in a time of crises when your true beliefs come out. It isn’t until you are in trouble that you really know in who you believe in. Who do you call first??? Who do you go to first??? Do you pray?? Or do you just freak out??

The shunammite woman held on as long as she could and when she could do nothing else and all seemed like it was lost she laid her promise down on the place she first received it!!! vs.21

When tough times come remember the words spoken over your life!! Remember the places where God touched you. Go back and revisit the place of the birth of your vision. vs.21

God always reminded people that He was the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. What he was saying was don’t ever forget about my promises; “if I said it, it WILL come to pass no matter how bad the situation may look.

Vs 23. she could care less of religious legalities and took hold of God’s Grace and believed that He could bring her boy back

The next thing she did was share her story with the right person; she went straight to Elisha!!

Don’t waste your time telling everyone about your issues. After God, confide in the least amount of people as necessary.

She went to the one who had all the right answers and she accepted nothing less.

When you get to the point of “bitter distress” it makes you perseverant and determined to get what you need!!! (Remember Hannah's "Bitter" prayer ?? )

Elijah sent his servant 7 times to see the fulfillment of the promise, Elisha sent his once and then because of the determination of the woman the boy came back to life just like God can revive your dream.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Perseverance: Steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state... in spite of difficulties, obstacles or discouragement.

Associated with the word Tenacity: original meaning of adhesiveness, as of glue, a dogged determined holding on.

You will only fall as far as your REAL beliefs will allow you.

Perseverance does not have to do so much with how long you can last but how much you really believe the principles and values that you say define you.

Two times in the book of Mathew Jesus said “but he who stands firm to the end will be saved” (Mathew 10:22; 24:13)

Paul said in two different places “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me- the task of testifying to the Gospel of God’s grace.” (Acts 20:24) and then he said near the end of his life in (II Timothy 4:7) “ I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”

Job said in the midst of anyone’s nightmare “though He slay me, yet will I hope in Him.”

And what we are talking about doesn’t necessarily have to do with going through hard times, but what is driving and building us up day after day.

Perseverance will always ask the question: “how much do you really believe what you say you believe??”

One man who had plenty of chances to ask that question was Joseph, a seventeen-year-old kid with a destiny to rule.

Genesis 37:5 “Joseph had a dream”

It all started with this dream.

With the birth of this dream came the birth of problems with Joseph:

Hated by his brothers, Separated from his family, betrayed by people who were supposed to love him, left to die, sold into slavery, framed for making the right choice, thrown in jail wrongly, betrayed by people he helped, and spent 18 years in this situation until he got called into Pharaoh’s service.

You see, from the day that you are born, values, morals, belief systems, and different points of view are inserted in your life; shaping and forming your character and personality.

Perseverance begins with accessing and taking inventory of what you have inside before life hits you outside.

In this inventory process you will divorce yourself of incorrect mindsets and inaccurate notions of yourself

From Genesis 37 till 50 Joshua had heard from others and he knew and acknowledges to himself that He served the one true God.

In the midst of every situation he knew he served the one true God.

If you believe in God, His truths will be lived out in you.

Perseverance asked the question “ If you Truly believe then…”

This question is asked during hard times, temptation times, confusing times, good times, sad times, etc……

I know in whom I have believed……..(II Timothy 1:12)

Pressed but not crushed…..persecuted but not abandoned, struck down but not destroyed…….. (II Corinthians 4:8)

Jesus was tempted in all things in every way…….(Hebrews)

ALL things are working together for Good

Hebrews 10:39 " But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved!!!"


Monday, September 28, 2009

Great night with Pastor Mohit Morris from India

We had such a great night last Thursday night. Pastor Morris brought a message from the book of I Kings. He challenged us with a message of having our priorities in order, making sure God is always on the throne in our life, and no matter how busy you might be, never be too busy to seek the Lord!!!!

He encouraged and challenged us with many stories from back home in India and the Spirit of God flowed with Prophetic word and awesome Worship!!! We thank Pastor Morris for coming and sharing that night and pray that the Lord may continue using Him mightily wherever He goes in this world!!!

Next Level Ministries also had it's first opportunity to sow in the international church by picking up a love offering for this brother. I know in my heart that we will have in the future many ministers coming from all over the US and the world to come and encourage believers at NLM.

This up in coming Thursday night I will ministering a message on Perseverance and Consistency. I know that you will all be blessed!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Awesome nights of refreshing at Next Level!!!

God has been showing up in a great way at Next level. Brothers from all over the city and now all over the world are coming to Next level. We are experiencing nights of glory and refreshing. I am unsure of what God is doing as of right now but of this one thing I AM sure.... the Windows of heaven are open and God is pouring out more of His glory over His people. I know for personally he has reminded me that He is a God of power.

We were greatly blessed last week as Pastor Stephen George came to NLM with His family. God spoke and the Holy spirit Filled!! This week we are expecting more of the same with the coming of Pastor Mohit Morris from India.

Pastor Mohit Morris Has been ministering in Louisiana and people have been greatly enriched by his ministry. He will be with us this Thursday at Next Level. Pastor Morris planted over 1000 home churches in over 600 villages in North India. God has used him mightily to minister to thousands around the globe and he will be with us this one night! Use your influence and come experience a great night of ministry!!!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Prayer outline

Hey guys, I hope and pray that everyone is well!! We will be having a corporate prayer meeting this up in coming Thursday night September 10th. I have made an outline of things to pray for so we can all be in unity in our prayers. Please grab this, print it out and use it!!! Love you guys! Oh and by the way, Thursday night is strictly a prayer thing, not a NLM thing so all denominational and non denominational churches are invited!!! It might get a bit crazy but I don't think God will get nervous!!!

ACTS Night of Prayer
“During this time about 120 believers were together in one place.” “They all met together and were constantly united in prayer.”
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses telling people about me everywhere- in Jerusalem, throughout Judea in Samaria and to the ends of the earth.”
* We enter in through Thanksgiving and Worship. Pray that you can see, feel, What God sees and feels!! Give us your heart Lord!!!
Unity, Meeting together to pray, and taking care of 3 areas:
1) Jerusalem (Local neighborhoods, schools, work places, churches, local government and officials)
2) Judea (Region, State)
3) Ends of the earth The Nation, and (Unreached people groups around the world) every country.
a. Pray to reverse enemy’s assignment concerning:
• Abortion
• Gang violence, fighting, drug dealing, vandalism,,,etc,
• Dead religiosity and false religions(Mormon, Jehovah witness, Scientology,
Buddhism, “Me-ism”, New Age…etc )
• Divorce, Adultery, Pornography, teen pregnancy
• Worthless, deceiving mindsets (Goth, Emo, rebellion...etc)
• Drug and Alcohol Addiction
b. Pray for all churches:
• Presbyterian, Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal, non-denominational, Catholic and all other evangelical churches.
• Pray for integrity in the Pulpit
• Pray for the fire of God to ignite the hearts of all the Pastors, teachers, laymen, missionaries…etc
• Pray that “non-sugar coated” truth be taught
• Pray for the resurrection of the teaching of the cross of Christ once again.
• Pray in a season of brokenness, Alert, Repentance, Revelation, and a turning back to God (Joel 1)
• Pray for a mobilization of God’s people hitting the streets and being witnesses (at work, school, wherever!!!) (Ezekiel 37)
c. Pray for those in Authority: “The heart of the king is in the hands of God.” (Proverbs 21:1)
a. Mayors, Governors, Presidents, Kings and Rulers (President Obama)
b. Police, Judges, Teachers, ISD Directors, Principals…etc
c. Pray for the revelation of God in the following areas
• His Love (Romans 8:39)
• His Grace (Ephesians 2:8)
• His Forgiveness ( I John 1:9)
• His Acceptance (Ephesians 1:5)
• His healing power ( Psalm 107:20)
• His Salvation Gift (John 3:16)
• His promises (Habakkuk 2:3)

Thank Him for answered prayer, thank Him for change, Praise Him for being able to do exceedingly abundantly above all you ask!!! (Ephesians 3:20)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Being a light in the midst of darkness (notes from 08-20-2009)

Acts 13:47 "For this is what the Lord has COMMANDED us: " I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth."
If we are to do what God has commanded us to do, and do it effectively we must remember a few things:

1) You must be grounded and rooted in your God given identity
- All imaginations of defeat must be cast down. The enemy wants you to think that our existence is futile and that their is no way that one person can make a difference.
-You must recognize yourself as a son/daughter of God: you are royalty, the head and not tail, above only and never beneath, God's favorite, His handiwork, His ambassador.
- Immerse yourself and be baptized with the confidence a true son/daughter of God would have
I Samuel 14 - Jonathan was confident that God would give him the victory. He knew that God + 1 always equalled a majority. He knew that God was and is committed to His people.

You must understand your authority and Establish, Secure and Expand God's perimeter (the Kingdom's influence in the area)

Establish- this means to join yourself with other believers to pray and form a cell of the Kingdom of God
Secure- accountability, Keeping a bond of peace, Be a visionary and stay on track. This means that you must know what God has called you to do and no matter what, you stick to it!!!
Expand - Let your life or cell be a model and expand the vision to others. Slowly build up God's army!!

These three things cannot be done without prayer. God will give us and show us His heart in the intimacy of one on one meetings with Him!!
Luke 4:42; 6:12; Mark 1:35; Luke 21:37 Jesus was alone to minister to God. In Luke 5:16; and 6:15 Jesus often withdrew to be alone with God. He is our example!!!
What stops us from drawing near??? Fear, too busy, laziness, selfishness, religiousness!!! or we are just to afraid of being transparent with God.
You will find in prayer that God is our Hiding place, our refuge, our strong tower, our fortress, and our secret place! We must our secret place with God!! Isaiah 26:9 says "My heart longs for you." that should be our cry!! Remember that if God has your presence, You will have His!!

Doing all of this will allow you infiltrate the enemies perimeter. You do this first with intercession. You can intercede while you pray but you don't have to pray to intercede!!! Intercession is a place of meeting. The Blood meets with sickness, weakness meets with strength, unforgiveness meets the cross of Christ...etc, and we are the facilitators of these meetings. The principle behind this is this: If Christ the KING is in us, and a Kingdom is established wherever the KING is, then wherever you go, the Kingdom of God is their ready for a meeting to be established and Christs rule to be established!!!

God has destined victory for all of us not calamity or defeat. He wants you to be a light for Him but first He just plainly wants you to be HIS. "If you seek me you will find me; if you seek me with all of your heart, you will be found by me"

Blessings....Until ALL have heard,
Pastor Oliver NLM

Friday, July 17, 2009

A call to go out!!!!!!

How many of us have been called to go out!!!!! It happens in the life of any believer destined to do great things in life!!! Enjoy July 15th's notes!!

A Call OUT
Genesis 12:1 “ Leave your country, your people, and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you.”
Your journey with God and your new surrender to Him will always call you out. Anytime God wants to promote you and take you higher He will always call you out. It’s not necessarily a geographical shift or call but a shift & move in the Spirit.
God calls you out of familiar settings, out of old mindsets, out of old habits, out of old traditions and out of old patterns.
Coming out is always uncomfortable. Do you believe in God enough to allow yourself to be willingly uncomfortable?
Could you imagine Abrams conversation with his wife??? It would have gone something like this:
Abram: Wife, we are going!!
Sarai: where?
Abram: I don’t know!
Sarai: How will we know when we get their??
Abram: I don’t know!
Sarai: Who told you to leave?
Abram: This God I just met!!
Sarai: How long will it take??
Abram: I don’t know!!
When Abram heard the message he was not only convinced but thoroughly convicted that the author of the message would not steer him wrong. Abram did not believe in God up to a certain point; he gave in a surrendered to God and the call 100%
Lot represents all those people in your life that out of sympathy they have come along in the journey but do not belong!! Lot was not part of the call and he ended up being a detour and a hindrance in Abrams life. Do you have any Lots in your life??
A call out from God guarantees that He is calling you INTO something better than where you were!! God is constantly calling us from “glory to glory, mountaintop to mountaintop, and from one level to another higher one.
The call is point “A.” Where He is taking you is point “Z.” So that will automatically tell you that there is a lot of trusting and unknown trials in the middle. God has orchestrated: wilderness time, cleansing time, stretching time, crushing time, battle time, to ultimately take you to victory time!!! Romans 8: 17b says “ if we are to share His glory we are to share his suffering.” Remember …..please remember that in ALL things God works for the good of those who love Him!! I don’t know where you are in your call but take heart!!!!!! If God called you He will also give you the GRACE to lead you, strengthen you and be your endless supply!!!! It’s time to GO!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

3 cosas!!! 3 Things!!!

Thursday night at Next Level was as my wife says, "off the gancho" (off the hook.) God had been speaking to me about intimacy and how the church today will be entering, and has entered into a time where God is calling His people to His breast to hear His heartbeat. God spoke to me of three things, and we find these three things in the book of Isaiah chapter 6:1-9

Willingness, Formation, and Surrender
Isaiah 6:1-9 (New Living Translation)

1 It was in the year King Uzziah died[a] that I saw the Lord. He was sitting on a lofty throne, and the train of his robe filled the Temple. 2 Attending him were mighty seraphim, each having six wings. With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they flew. 3 They were calling out to each other, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Heaven’s Armies! The whole earth is filled with his glory!”

4 Their voices shook the Temple to its foundations, and the entire building was filled with smoke.
5 Then I said, “It’s all over! I am doomed, for I am a sinful man. I have filthy lips, and I live among a people with filthy lips. Yet I have seen the King, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.”
6 Then one of the seraphim flew to me with a burning coal he had taken from the altar with a pair of tongs. 7 He touched my lips with it and said, “See, this coal has touched your lips. Now your guilt is removed, and your sins are forgiven.” 8 Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?”
I said, “Here I am. Send me.”
9 And he said, “Yes, go, and say to this people

intimacy is WILLINGNESS: Willingness speaks to us not of emotions but of commitment. It speaks to us about an act of the will. Following Christ can be an emotion filled roller coaster; sometimes your up and sometimes your down but at all times our hope and strength and commitment is strong for the Lord. The principal surrounding this point is this: You follow Christ based on the fact that He is Lord and God and that He died on the Cross for your sins. You follow God because He is worthy of of praise, honor, glory, and worship. It's not a feeling thing, it's an act of the will, devoid of feelings. Now saying that let me state that the Joy of the Lord is our driving force on a day to day basis, but this joy only comes when we are committed to His word and His way.

intimacy is FORMATION: Isaiah went through a formation process. Remember, God is the potter, we are the clay, we are on the anvil and God is the one forming and molding us. It may not be pleasant at times but endure, endure, endure!!! All Christians must go through a formation process, we all must go through a time where what does not belong must be removed from us. God's fire is a purging fire, burning up everything that stand between Him, you and His perfect will for your life. The best thing to do is allow God to form you!!! Say yes and Amen to His molding hand!!! Remember that ALL things are working together for Good!!!!

intimacy is SURRENDER: Isaiah said " Here I am, send me" He did not hear the plan and decide if he wanted to do it or not. He just surrendered to God completely!!! He surrendered to God in every area of His life. As true believers our life must be completely consecrated to Him, not just parts of our life but ALL of our life!!! Just like their is no such thing as being a "little" pregnant, their is no such thing as being a little bit surrendered to God, you either are or aren't!!!

God is seeking intimacy with His people, but we must first declare with our heart, actions, will, mind, and strength that we are His and He is ours. He is our everything; our life, breath, reason for being. God shares His most secret thoughts with those that He is intimate with. Let's pursue God!!!!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Helping your friends get their!!

Throughout history mankind has pursued the hope of defining eternity and wondered at the idea of having a relationship with a supernatural God. I hope this helps you as you reach out to the people around you.

"Why would He want to have a relationship with me?"
One simple word: love

God loved you so much that He created you so that you might have a relationship with Him. John 3:16 tells us "God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life."

"Okay, so God wants to have a relationship with me… if that's the case why do I feel so alone and distance from Him?"
One three letter word: sin

Sin is what separates us from God. It isolates us and puts a wall between us and God. Sin is really rebellion against God. It's something in our very nature that causes us to choose to do our own thing rather than choosing to do things God's way.

The fact is nobody is perfect. Romans 3:23 tells us that, "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." In fact sin is responsible for both our physical and spiritual death. Romans 6:23 says, "the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord."

"If sin separates me from God how do I get reconnected?"
It's all about forgiveness

If sin separates, forgiveness reconnects. The reality is that there's not one of us that could do enough good things to reconnect with God. Remember sin is something that changed the essence of who we are. So in order to reconnect with God it would take something or someone who hasn't sinned to help us reconnect. And that's exactly what Jesus, God's Son, did.

1 Peter 3:18 tells us "Christ also suffered when he died for our sins once for all time. He never sinned, but he died for sinners that he might bring us safely home to God. He suffered physical death, but he was raised to life in the Spirit."

So how do you reconnect with God? Simple, recognize that Jesus died on a cross so that you could be forgiven for all your sins - past, present and future. There's just one thing you have to do. Ask Jesus to forgive you.

Pray this simple prayer and begin a relationship with God…

"God, I admit that I'm a sinner. I believe that You sent Jesus, who died on the cross and rose from the dead paying the penalty for my sins. I am asking that You forgive me of my sin and I receive Your gift of eternal life. It is in Jesus' name that I ask for this gift. Amen!"

"So I've asked Jesus to forgive me, now what?"
That one simple step is the beginning of a real relationship with God. Now that you've started talking with Him don't stop… tell Him how you're feeling, ask Him for His help, tell Him how you want to get to know Him more.

Asking Jesus to forgive you isn't just a question about avoiding Hell and getting into heaven… it's all about the relationship. Remember where we started, "why would God want to have a relationship with me?" Because He loves you, He wants you to get to know Him; He's got a lot of great things in store. I'll see you on Thursday night!!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Ingredients of a Champion

On Thursday night we touched on a subject that all Christians need to hear and apply to their lives. I believe that every Christian should be living a life of victory and happiness. I shared the following notes on Thursday night in Hopes that those listening would choose to live the life Christ would want us to live. A lifestyle of overcoming, and victory is a choice. WE must choose this. It's waiting for us: Enjoy!!!

Obstacles and rainy days in your life evidence one thing: that you are breathing and living a normal life. How you react to those things will determine if you will be a victim or a champion.
To make the perfect cake you must use the right ingredients, the right fire, and the right timing. If either of these pieces of the formula are off balance the cake will be a mess. Likewise life; an overcoming life needs the right ingredients, the right fire and the right use of and discerning of time.
What are the ingredients that separate Saul from a Paul, an Abram from an Abraham, a Jacob from an Israel, or a Simon from a Peter??
1. Next Level Prayer- the first ingredient that must begin and be maintained in a person’s life is that of radical prayer.
a. Personal devotion- a deep conviction and passion for personal time with God. This will be transmitted from the leader and his own devotional life and walk.
b. Corporate meetings- powerful, one-hour, settings where there is a renewing, refreshing, and refocus on the vision at hand.
c. Comes by the release of the Holy Spirit and His liberty to pray through us.

2. Next Level Discipleship- This is when you yield your life to the Lordship of Christ and His authority. You submit to the Word of God, the voice of the Holy Spirit, and to your leaders. You are praying, reading and growing on a consistent basis.

3. Faith- in the heart of every disciple must be a revelation and possession of supernatural faith. Faith to move mountains. Faith to prophecy. Faith to see the sick healed and the bound delivered. Faith to do great exploits. This will only happen when you are hearing a message of faith from the Word.

4. Cross- from salvation to sanctification from every problem and issue the Cross is the answer. This understanding must be the driving force to the upward motion of every believer to the place of spiritual maturity.

5. River of life- four branches of the river from Gen. 2:10-14
a. River of Revelation. River of prayer
c. River of fire
d. River of Joy
God’s ideal for His people is that we thrive and not just survive. He gave us Jesus to grant us the confidence, Gave us the Holy Spirit to give us the Power, and He gave us His name to give us authority. He has laid out his whole arsenal before us so that we are without excuse. We have no option but to live at the Next Level

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Vision casting night

We had an awesome night of vision casting at Next Level. Here are some of the notes of that night.

Being a Person of Vision
“Where there is not vision the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18)

The #1 reason people do what they regret doing in life is because they have no idea what they should be doing in life.

When Proverbs speaks about people with no vision it figuratively speaks of a blind man trying to make his way in life with no help.

• Hitting his head
• Always tripping
• Never gets anywhere
• Lives in frustration

God does not want us to live this way because He is not this way and he did not create us to fail in life. He created us to succeed in life.

So to begin today we must find out what success is not:

1. Success is not wealth
2. Success is not power
3. Success is not an achievement

If success were wealth then why weren’t the richest people on earth satisfied? Like:

• Charles Schwab-president of the largest independent steel company-died broke.
• Arthur Cutten-greatest of the wheat speculators-died abroad, insolvent.
• Richard Witney-president of the New York Stock Exchange-died just after release from Sing Sing prison.
• Albert Fall-member of a U.S. president’s cabinet-was pardon from prison so that he could die at home.
• Jess Livermore-greatest “bear” on Wall Street-committed suicide.
• Leon Fraser-president of the Bank of International Settlements-committed suicide.
• Ivar Kreuger-head of the world’s greatest monopoly-committed suicide.

If success were power then Hitler was the most successful man in History.

And if success were achievement then why did Donald Trump say that true success is having what he did not have? Happiness.

Success is a journey. You never quiet get there, but you can experience it everyday.

Success is:
1. knowing your purpose in life
2. growing to reach your maximum potential
3. investing in your other people

To know your purpose you must ask yourself a couple questions:

1. What am I searching for?
2. Why was I created?
3. Do I believe in my potential?
4. When do I start?

In growing to your maximum potential you must live out Hebrews 12
1. Concentrate on one main goal “Fix your eyes on Jesus”
2. Concentrate on continually improving yourself “throw off everything that hinders”
3. Forget the past (The past ended last night!) “throw off the sin that so easily entangles”
4. Focus on the Future. “Run this race with endurance”

Friday, June 5, 2009

Bringing Heaven on Earth

The most powerful weapon in the Christian's arsenal is prayer. The most unused weapon in the Christian's arsenal is prayer. God mentioned many times in Scripture, "If my people..." God has been seeking praying people for thousands of years. Sadly though he has not found that many. But the ones who have heard the heart of God to seek His face have seen miracles sings and wonders and have been able to make history in their generations.

Why Don't people pray??? They don't understand prayer. They don't really believe that prayer really works. They don't find the time to pray. Many are the excuses, but they all boil down to one real reason. If you really believed that prayer was effective and life changing you would just do it. (Nike)

Prayer 101: When I was a young kid I learned to pray using the following model:

A - Adoration: spend 5 minutes Worshipping God, through song and declaring who He is.
C - Confession: Spend some time confessing your sins to Him (I John 1:9)
T - Thanksgiving: Spend some time thanking Him for all the things you have and thank Him for Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross
S - Supplication: Make your needs known to Him. Pray for your family, loved ones, your neighborhood, your region, state, nations and world.

Use this model to get you started. Spend about 5 minutes on each section and earnestly seek out after God's heart on these matters.

3 things:
Real Belief is the motivation of prayer: If you really believe that God can do exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ask or think then you WILL pray. You won;t have to be forced to do it. You will want to do it because you really believe that the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.
Passion is the fire of prayer: Your passion for answered prayer will push you to pray determined, desperate prayers. You will press in until you feel a release or breakthrough in your prayers. In Mathew 7:7 Jesus tells us to SEEK, KNOCK, and ASK. The original Greek used in that scripture literally states" seek and keep on seeking, ask and keep on asking, knock and keep on knocking. It speaks of a cry to God and a determination to get what you are praying for.
Desire is the fuel of prayer: Look at I Samuel 1 (Hannah's prayer) Hannah serves as an example of a desperate prayer that moves the Hand of God.

I promise you If you pray and seek God you will get hooked. God is waiting for you to pray!!! The people in your school, job, neighborhood, city, state, nation, and world are waiting for your prayers!!!

" If My people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and will heal their land." II Chronicles 7:14

Until ALL have heard,

Pastor Oliver

Saturday, May 30, 2009

2 weeks into knowing!!

We have had two awesome weeks into the "knowing" series. Over the past two weeks we have learned that one of the most crucial things a person must know is who they are!! It sounds elementary enough but oddly it's one of the biggest challenges in individuals lives.
YOu are not what society says about you, what your past failures say about you, or what your education says about you. you are who God says you are!! God wants His people to know that a failure is not a person, it's a time in history and that's it. Don't let the past determine who you are today. It may take a time of wrestling with yourself and with God like Jacob did in Genesis 32 or just may take you going throughout the Bible discovering all the things God says about you. All in all if a person does not know who they are they will never really discover what they can truly do and will probably lose many of life's battles.

We also talked about knowing your enemy. We talked about the devil but we also talked about an enemy that messes with us probably more.....OUR OWN FLESH. Yeah, the devil's tactics are to condemn us for wrong doing, accuse us before God and tempt us to do wrong things to take us out of God's will,but our flesh gets us in trouble everyday. The only way that we will conquer both is submit wholly unto God. Making mistakes in life is inevitable, being tempted is inevitable, falling down is inevitable but rising up, receiving forgiveness, and walking in victory on a daily basis is our right BUT it is our choice. Choose God, look to the cross, Go in His presence daily, find someone to be accountable to and you will win!!!

Anyway, It's only getting better at Next Level, so I hope to see you all their!!!! Every Thursday, for now at 7:30 for worship and 7:00 for prayer.

Until ALL have heard,

Pastor Oliver

Monday, May 18, 2009


Someone once said that knowledge is power. I believe that this statement is true but I want to take it to the next level. Knowledge is power but the correct use of that knowledge is called wisdom.

It is not enough just to know something. You must be; as the Bible says a doer of the Word. My mission with the Help of the Holy Spirit over the next 9 weeks is to empower the members at Next Level Ministries with the knowledge they need to live life at the Next Level! We will come to:

Know Yourself - See Yourself how God sees you. "who am I?"
Know your enemy - Our battle is not with flesh and blood
Know your God- Learning to pray effectively
Know your actions - Living a life of integrity
Know God's Word- Relying on God's Word for direction
Know that you are not alone- Walking with confidence on a daily basis
Know His strength- Never giving up, no matter what!! He has empowered you
Know your friends - Choosing your friends wisely

Know the call - Getting the Message out. The Great Commission

Invite your friends and family because you will leave empowered, challenged and ready to live a life of victory and significance!!!! I'll see you Thursday night @ 7:30

Until ALL have heard,

Pastor Oliver

Sunday, May 3, 2009

What to do when you mess up!!!

Joshua 7 and Joshua 8 are a huge lesson in how to react to mistakes. God had told the Israelites to not take for themselves any of the devoted things in the city of Jericho but Achen took some and hid it. Because of one man's sin, the whole nation suffered a humiliating defeat at the city of Ai. Joshua was devastated and the people began to mourn and lament.
The sin that caused the defeat was later exposed and taken care of and God immediately told Joshua to get up and attack the city of Ai once again resulting in a tremendous victory.
So What principles do we extract out of this story??
1) Messing is part of life. God knew that we were going to mess up and that is the reason Jesus came and died on the cross for us.
I John 1:9 says "that if we confess our sins ( our "mess-ups") He (God) is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
If you messed up or have done things in your life that you regret go to God!! The enemy will tell you that their is no way that God will forgive you but God's love for us will always accept us and forgive us if we go to Him with broken and contrite hearts. Exposing your sin, confessing your sin, repenting from your sin and asking forgiveness for your sin is the formula to receive forgiveness and free up your soul. You will have a good chance to exhale!!
2) The second thing we learn is that God will allow us to go through painful times to refocus us back to Him. In His love he will allow our mistakes because He gave us free will to do so. But with every mistake will come a life lesson and an opportunity to come closer to Him. Joshua and all the people once again renewed their vows to God and reminded themselves of all of His promises God confirmed His presence with them by giving them a great victory. Just like Israel, you will have a breakthrough in your life as you open your heart up to God.
3) Painful times only last a little while. We will go through painful times in life. But every pain has a purpose. Even though we will not understand the purpose of why we had to go through what we went through, just hold on to Him and know that things will not be dark forever. He will heal you, restore you, and affirm you once again. Your best is in His best interest!!
I am excited to see what God has in store for Next Level Ministries . Continue praying for us and partnering with us as we go ahead with this Mission. We love you all and we will see you on Thursday night @ 7:30pm

Until ALL have heard,


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Next Level update

Hello all!! God has been moving in our Thursday night meetings. We have been in the book of Joshua for 4 weeks and God has been speaking powerfully every week. I am excited for what God has for us in the next up in coming weeks.

As we continue to explore and move foward with this church plant I need to lay out to all our readers and followers what we see for the next year:

First of all we just bought chairs!! 17 of them at a great price! Global Ministers Network helped us out in that purchase. Thanks alot.

Our greatest need right now is to get out of our Home and into a building. I truly believe that once we find a location we can begin doing much more on the subject of outreach then we are right now. Please pray that God opens a door soon. Our ideal location is the North Fry area.

Another need that we have is musical talent. Danny has been awesome and he will continue to come as long as we need him but he has a church. I know that God can raise up musicians of every kind to worship Him at Next Level.

Something I need is time. I keep on looking for that 25th hour in the day and I can't seem to ever find it. I pray that God give me wisdom to faithfully be Husband, Daddy, Banker, and Pastor and do them all faithfully and effectively.

Lastly, I need covenant partners. People who believe enough in this ministry and what God will do with us that they will give of their Time, Talent and Treasure on a consistent basis. I feel that Next Level will leave it's mark in History and impact Katy, all surrounding cities, and many parts of the world with the Power of the Word and the Anointing of the Holy Spirit. I am looking for people who want to make that impact with me. We are starting out small but we won't stay this way. The Bible reminds us to not despise small beginnings. It also reminds us that God will do exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ask or think.

Until Next Week,

Pastor Oliver

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Learning life through the book of JOSHUA

Hey guys, it's been a few weeks since I last blogged. Yes, yes, I've missed you too!! We have had an awesome month at NLM (Next Level Ministries) God has been taking us throughout the book of Joshua. We have gone through chapter's 1-3 and we have learned so many things:

1) (Joshua 1) Change is inevitable!! So when it comes we must change with change. We learned the formula of how to effectively transition when change happens.
* Trust in God's Word, God's strength, and God's promises!!!
2) (Joshua 2) Seeing life through the eyes of Rahab the prostitute. We learned that no matter what we may have gone through in life, no matter our mistakes or failures, God is always looking out for us. We learned that just like Rahab, as long as we are under the blood we will be kept safe despite the world falling down around us!!
3) (Joshua 3) we learned:
To Expect the promise!!
Before God could go on and give to Joshua and the Israelites possession of the promise, they first had to fight the greatest enemy: themselves. The Israelites found out that the only thing you really fight in the wilderness ( the desert experience ) is your own personal demons. Once those demons were completely and utterly destroyed God brought them to the next phase of the promise: possession of the land!!
Crossing over is literally speaking of the death of one season of the life of something and the birth of the next.
If you say that you believe that God will do something but yet you do not prepare for what you say you believe in, then you really don’t believe it. Joshua said, “Prepare yourself (consecrate yourself) because tomorrow God will do great things among you!”
God will do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we ask!!!!He is the God that calls the things that are not as though they are. He is the God of making the “impossible” possible!!! We can never earn favor or grace; we only get in the right position to receive them.

In consecrating themselves the Israelites got in the blessed position. When you consecrate yourself, you prepare yourself for something specific. What are you consecrating yourself for??
The Israelites possession of the promise could not be done in their own strength. That is why they had to follow the ARK ( the presence of God ) Don’t get ahead of God; always let Him show you the way. (Proverbs 3)
If what you are doing can be done in your own strength then God is not in the mix. Moses even cried out, “ If you don’t go before us, we will not move!!!”
Remember that God sized victories require God sized power. Seize your Promise!!

God is not done yet!!! Get excited for what God will show you this week and invite your friends.!!
Also Andreas has been helping us out to create a web sight for the ministry. Check it out at

I'll see you guys at 7 for prayer and 7:30 for the service!!!

Until ALL have heard,

Pastor Lee

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Hey guys,

I pray that everyone is doing well. We had a great night this past Thursday night at NLM. We spoke about the topic of HOPE. It seems as though the whole nation is setting their eyes on our new president, expecting him to save them; and after the rousing speech he gave on Tuesday night everyone is short of idolizing him. The only problem with that is President Obama is not God and I'm pretty sure he does not want that position. And because of that one fact it is destined that he will fail us in way or another. We at NLM truly believe along with a great part of the body of Christ that it will not be until America sets its eyes on Jesus and repents of its many wrongs that things will turn around.

The original Greek and Hebrew give the idea that whatever you place your hope in, that thing becomes the anchor of your life, it becomes your refuge and stronghold. If something should ever happen to that thing, your life will come tumbling down!! We need to be very careful in choosing who or what we put our hope in!!

What does the Bible say about hope?

1) We are blessed if our hope is in Him (Psalm 146:5)
2) The Lord delights in us if we hope in Him (Psalm 147:11)
3) Our strength will be renewed when our hope is in Him (Isaiah 40:31)
4) The Lord is good to those who hope in Him (Lamentations 3:25)
5) The Lord Hears those who’s hope is in Him (Micah 7:7)
6) The Holy Spirit will overflow us with hope in God. (Romans 15:13

God gives us hints all over the Bible to place out hope in him. He will not fail us or forget about us. Will times get tough? Of course they will; after all, the Bible has never promised an easy life, only a life that is full of possibilities. If God is your hope, it does not matter what you could be going through, your breakthrough is just around the corner!!!! I'll see you guys next week.

Until ALL have heard,
Pastor Lee

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentines week

Hello All, I have been a bit busy getting “bugs” out of my computer so that is why I have not updated you guys on what’s been happening.

Next level Ministries is poised and positioned exactly where God wants her. We have been feeling the presence of God in our meetings and this past week was no exception. God reminded us this past Thursday of His great love for us as we rediscovered and dove in deep in the well known verse John 3:16!! Just imagine!! Psalm 8:4 says “what are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them.” Just think about it!! In the grand scope of the “largeness” of the universe, the magnitude and enormity of God; we are but a speck on the ground but God still reminds us that he formed us with his own hands, he has our names in the palms of His hands, and we (you and me) are the apple of his eye. He has an exclusive interest in each and every single person. He loves you and wants you to know that the fullness and awesomeness of His love has been given to freely and without restraint. He gave you His best because he made you and you are precious in His sight. WOW ( I feel like that overly excited lady on the Progressive insurance commercials except of course I'm a guy!!!)

We also heard praise reports of things going on with the members of our new mission. I will be making phone calls this week to different places in Cypress to find a location for the meetings so we can move out of our house. We also took advantage of free postcards from and ordered about 100 so we can begin distributing to people. We will be ordering more in the next couple of weeks and praying for increased membership as we begin preparing for Easter Week. Continue praying for us and supporting us as we do God’s will!!! Please let us know what God is doing your lives!!!!

Until ALL have heard,


Monday, February 2, 2009


Luke 11:5-8 “Then, teaching them more about prayer, he used this story: “Suppose you went to a friend’s house at midnight, wanting to borrow three loaves of bread. You say to him, 6 ‘A friend of mine has just arrived for a visit, and I have nothing for him to eat.’ 7 And suppose he calls out from his bedroom, ‘Don’t bother me. The door is locked for the night, and my family and I are all in bed. I can’t help you.’ 8 But I tell you this—though he won’t do it for friendship’s sake, if you keep knocking long enough, he will get up and give you whatever you need because of your shameless persistence.”

On January 29th we got together to talk about the blessings of persistence and how God rewards those who relentlessly push on and never quit. Life throws us many situations that make it easy to throw in the towel and say "I'm finished." But God gives the us the best reasons to hold on to hope and continue on ahead against all odds.

The examples in the Bible are countless of people who defied the odds and believed God rather than present circumstances. And because of their belief that God would not let them down they were rewarded with history making accomplishments; from Joseph's bottom of the well to second in command of Egypt experience; Noah's build and ark in the middle of a desert experience and of course David's shepherd boy to King of Israel experience. God sends us a message in the bible that if we hold on, have a good attitude and never lose our faith He will always come through for us. Every one of these people could have given up in the middle of the process and no one would have blamed them but they didn't, and God is sending a message to all those going through a rough spot in life to hold on to Him and not let go. Let God be your hope and strength in the middles of hard confusing times.

2 Corinthians 4:16So we're not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace. These hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us. There's far more here than meets the eye. The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. But the things we can't see now will last forever.

Never never never quit!!! Join us every Thursday night @ 7:00 for prayer and 7:30 for worship.

Until ALL have heard,


Thursday, January 22, 2009


GOD IS SO GREAT!! We just finished our second meeting tonight and God showed up in an awesome way reminding us that He is in control and that our victory is in His best interest. It was a great night where we were reminded that no matter how hard the struggles, trials, shifting and storms were in 2008, God has an appointed time for his deliverance. It's his timing not ours!!!! Everyone that showed up left encouraged and refreshed. We also shared some "out-of-this-world" kool aid and chili cheese dip after the meeting!!!

We will be meeting every Thursday night @7pm at my house until we find a new location near the Cypress TX area. Please be praying that God opens doors for us in the next couple of months!!

Also check out our "rough draft" logo for the Ministry!!!! it's a bit rough but it's a start!!! if their are any computer design geniuses out their, send me your ideas!!!!!

My children Chris and Suzy also participated in tonights meeting so I am especially proud of them. Chris shared Jeremiah 29:11 and Suzy prayed for the offerings!! They did so good!!

Well thanks guys for all of your prayers and support. I will see you next Thursday night!!

Until ALL have heard,


The Notes from tonight:

New Beginnings
Out with the Old, In with the new

Scripture: Isaiah 43 1-19; Habakkuk 2
Key verse: vs. 19

The difference between average people and achieving people is their perception of and response to failure.

Someone who is unable to get over previous hurts and failures is held hostage to the past.

The biggest weight that we have holding us from living the life God intended for us is the anchor of the failures and struggles of yesterday.

We have heard many, many times before that God has a great plan for our lives. His desire for us is that we live life to the fullest and achieve everything He has for us to achieve.

Everyone Dies but not everyone really lives!!! We must live a life that is worthy of Christ's death on the cross!!

Habakkuk chapter one was the chapter of complaining and Chapter 2 Habakkuk has a “ watcha gotta say to that complaint God???” attitude: What's God going to say to my questions? I'm braced for the worst. I'll climb to the lookout tower and scan the horizon. I'll wait to see what God says, how he'll answer my complaint. (Habakkuk 2:1)

God answers his complaint with revelation and vision.
Revelation is the unveiling and presentation of something you did know about
And Vision is the ability to see.

Habakkuk reminds us that God is still working and that he is not done with us yet. It also reminds us that that our struggles and failures are not fatal. And that an appointed time for victory and fulfillment is right around the corner.

Isaiah tells us some fundamental truths that are necessary for living a victorious life.

1) But now, this is what the LORD says— he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
- God created us, He formed us and He claims us. God does not make mistakes and His creation has a purpose and destiny as to why it was created,

2) When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.
- He does not promise that we won’t go through trials, but he does say that when we go through them they will not get the better of us IF WE DON’T QUIT!!

3) 5 Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west. I will say to the north, 'Give them up!' and to the south, 'Do not hold them back.' Bring my sons from afar And my daughters from the ends of the earth.
- No matter how far you think you’ve gotten He is drawing you back. You are His and He wants you!!
4) 11 I, even I, am the LORD, and apart from me there is no savior.
-God wants you to understand that your sight must only be placed on Him. Only He can save, redeem and transform.
5) 16 This is what the LORD says— he who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters,
- The God of making the impossible possible and the improbable probable wants to remind you that he has come through in your life in the past and he is getting ready to come through again!!! You need to get ready.
6) 18 "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland
- 2009 is a year of promise, a year of new beginnings, a year of new strength, a year of new vision and dreams,
‑ 2008 was a year of shifting, and moving and struggle, and labor, and a year when the devil tried to make you quit. All you had to do was hold on!!!! The devil should have killed you but in stead you made it!!!!! You’ve been laboring and pushing and now the appointed time is here!!! This is the year where you will give birth to Zoe life, a life in God. It speaks of the life that is given by God through Christ Jesus to those who believe the gospel, it means means "eternal", "everlasting", "of endless duration."
Scripture reveals that the source or fount of this zoe life is God the Father. Indeed, Jesus calls Him "the living [zao] Father" (John 6:57), indicating that zoe life is the very life that God has in Himself. Having life in Himself, the Father imparted this life to the Son: "For just as the Father has life in Himself, even so He gave to the Son also to have life in Himself" (John 5:26 NASV).
New beginnings

Friday, January 16, 2009

Next Level has blasted off!!!!!!

Good Morning Church family!!! Last night we had a great first meeting with Next level. We had a total of 13 people show up and God was in the house. I got to share the vision and purpose of the church and everyone responded very well. Where we go from here only God knows, but one thing I do know is that we are going to have fun in the process. A couple points that I shared with the people were:
1) The vision is about reaching out to everyone and creating an environment where wanting to be a leader will be easy;
2) We will be a church that will be purposely designed for people to want to raise their kids in.
3) And be a church that will meet in many locations through cell groups (small groups.)
4) No “mega church” but many church plants.
5) We will be a church focused on the redemptive power of the death, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

We will be organizing and strategizing over the next few months looking for a good first location for the church to meet at and we will be praying that leaders arise from the city to link arms with us. Be looking out for some crazy praise reports from over here.
God bless you guys and thank you for your love and support. To all my prayer partners, these are the prayer points i would like you concentrate on:

Pray for the families in Katy/Cypress, that their hearts may soften and be receptive to the Word of God. Pray for salvation for the city
Pray for a great outpouring of God’s spirit over the church and the city.
Pray that the church grow more with conversion growth rather than transferred growth
Pray for Godly wisdom to be poured out pertaining to the direction of the church.
Pray for Godly, God fearing leaders to rise up and surround Oliver in this mission
Pray that every need be met.
Pray that No weapon formed against this church shall prosper and that all negative words or curses may fall null and void.

God Bless you guys, Until ALL have heard,


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

First meeting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey guys, Happy 13th day of 2009!!!

On Thursday January 15th @ 7pm we will be having our first Next Level Ministries Bible Study. All of you are invited and can bring friends as we begin seeking God for His perfect will in Katy/Cypress. We will have a time of worship and study God's word together. God is ready to take all of our lives to the next level and I know that a team is waiting to be formed to impact our communities, take a city, and transform a world for Jesus Christ. God Bless you all and I will see you on Thursday!!!

Until ALL have heard,

Oliver Lee

for directions to my house call me at 832-566-6394 or just email me @