Wednesday, November 12, 2008


"Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (Ephesians 6)

One of the things that we will be needing this year will be a good solid prayer team. Planting a church is a big deal and Satan does not want the church to succeed. Surrounding myself and my family with prayer partners is the single best thing I can do to ensure success.

We will be going through allot of spiritual warfare over the six to twelve months leading up to opening day so in light of that I am looking for a prayer commitment out of at least 10 people who will commit to pray for the next year during launch phase.

Some things to be praying about are:

Me - I need God's wisdom, patience and strength
My Family (Susan, Christopher, and Suzy)- Specifically balance and health in my marriage and family.
Protection - Satan will attack me, my family, and anyone who wants to join me
Vision - That God would guide my planning and give me a clear vision for the new church
Launch Team - That God would provide the right people to form the core of the new church
Finances - Only God can provide, And my God shall supply all (our) needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)

Wisdom - To do what I must do, when I must do it.

I know that the people receiving this blog are people that love us and we love you. One thing you can do to help us is to recruit others in this effort. The more people we have praying the better.

I will be blogging you updates on all that's happening over the next few months.

Until ALL have heard

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A new president

As America goes out and votes today and this great Nation appoints it's next president let us not forget our role and duty as citizens and Christians. We are to vote!! We are to vote not on popularity or age, but we are to vote sensibly and practically. Ask a few questions to yourself; who has more experience?? Who upholds biblical values like anti-abortion and sacred marriage? Who has a better track record? Who will do better for our countries morality?(Remember, a man's decisions from his past are a good indicator of his decisions in the future.)

You must understand that all pre-election campaigning is, is smoke and mirrors. All candidates will tell us what we want to hear; after all they are looking for our vote. Very seldom do the promises of a campaign runner come to fruition; they all end up being wishful thinking, or just good ideas at the time. I am not sayin, that ALL they say are lies, I am pushing the point though that they ARE looking for your vote.

I do thank God though that our hands as believers are not tied behind our back. When an authority rises up we are called to pray!! "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, (I Timothy 2:1-3)

We are to pray, regardless of who gets voted in. Once what's done get's done we can do nothing else but call to God for mercy and ask Him to give our new president wisdom to make right decisions. Pray that the fear of God mark His life, and that he surround himself with godly advisors. We are to pray and believe that God will answer our prayers.

2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, THEN will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

God bless America

Monday, November 3, 2008

Who am I, Where am I, What am I???

Remember those days?? Everything is going nuts around you and you can't make sense of anything anymore; you don't know who you are; you don't know why you are where you are; and you have no idea what you are supposed to be. I've been their many times!! But not anymore. I found the "secret."

I thank God that I finally figured it out!! I have found where the answer to these questions and many more can be found. It has been in the most obvious of places, but it's probably the last place you look. Give up?? You find the answer in God!! In His presence, in His shadow, in His hands. The "I AM" has always been their waiting to show you why HE IS everything you need.

I am not talking about a quick run to church and you qualified. To many times, we of the "microwave generation" want God to establish us in an instant when we won't even spend ANY time brooding in His presence. Have you ever heard of the phrase "marinating?" We need to marinate in His presence for a long time until His presence has saturated us, enveloped us, and overtaken us.

I no longer ask the questions: Who am I, Where am I, or What am I? He has identified me, He has located me, and He has established me. First and foremost, I am His child, I am his messenger, and everywhere I go I am in His Kingdom.

Get Lost in His presence, seek Him out with desperation, run after Him even when you don't feel anything, rush in to His throne room, close the door and cry out for a fresh visitation!!!!!

He has been waiting for you!!!

Please continue praying that God move upon the hearts of those who are going to partner with us and that He continue providing and leading us in the right direction. I know that what He shall do here will be great!!!!!! We love you guys!!! Share this with those who need a good word.